1895 - The Season At Wenonh
Festivities the Order of the Day at Thit Picturesque Resort.
Special Telegram to The Times.
Wenonah, N. J., July 27.
There has not been a dull moment In society circles In this pretty little borough the past week. The outing season Is now at its height and pleasant events are the order of the day. Guests come and go, and the continuous round of delightful happenings is bringing Wenonah to the front as a resort. One of the most pleasing concerts ever given here was that of the Lulu Temple Band and vocalists. The selections of this famous organization were greatly enjoyed, not only by the guests of the Wenonah Inn. where the concert was given, but by the cottagers throughout the town. The violin solos by Mr. Rattay and the tenor selections of Mr. Conner were superb. Frank Conly also gave character sketches.
Another phantom party was given In the ball room of the hotel on Wednesday night, when the participants, about fifty In number, were clad in white. The affair closed with a hop.
A novel parade took place this afternoon by the guests of the Inn, who have their teams here. There were about thirty-five turnouts and these were gaily decorated. The occupants carried flags and flowers, while the handsome horses held their heads high and seemed to feel as though they en-Joyed the novelty as much as their owners. These constituted the party, who after driving around the borough concluded to go to Woodbury and Mantua: William E. Dlxey, I. C. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Hlrnra Lut as. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Havmnn, Mr. Kel-ley, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Doutv, Mr. Pepper, Mr. MacDonttld, E. K. Davis, W. S. Tavior, Mrs.WUliam Schrack, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, C. S. Jones, Walter F. Banes, William Fox, P. C. M oiler, Keenard Keene and II. C. Miller.
The following registered at the Inn the past week from Philadelphia: W. G. Miller, Kate M. Burton, Stephen Greene. Hiram Lutz. W. S. Lutz, William Kelley. H. Perkier, Benjamin M. Davis, W. H. Saunders, John Bockriger, Charles Hoover, C. B. Ruch, W. H. Phelps, O. Keller, John O. W. Gross, A. H. Thomas, James It. Cannor. J. S. Gel-lar, S. H. Kindle, John G. Holmet, D. M. L'ilt-tllV TTiiU-Jir.l ttuttuir Inmi.u il Urnfln., Joseph Geiseiibnrger, Chris Bilderbeck, W.' ii. t. namoers, itaniel J fooling, Sivmuel Dar- rah, R. C. Ballenger, H. N. Mltzer, Chnrles H. Snyder, C. T. Thurgnland, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Walter Barnes, J. S. Hill lard, Hiram K, Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Relff. Dr. E. A. HIrtz, Miss Agnes Wall, Edmund J. j Ilolden. George R. Green, Enos L. Farr, 1 William L. Clampffeu, Mrs. Susie Kane, Al- i len G. Muller, H. M. Dlxev, Chnrles B. Laf-fcrty, Smearsville, Pa.; John P. C. Meek, Mrs. G. PI. Fleniiuing, Jacksonville, Fla.; James MeCullvin, Ardinore.
Master Charlie Derbow, of Ardmore, Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Frank Benson.
Mrs. Eppleshimer is visiting friends In Ardmore. Pa., for a week.
The visit of the Lulu Temple band last week and their musical selections were greatly enjoyed by the residents.
Miss Hughes, of Berwin, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Stout Thomas Bishop, of Philadelphia, is on an extended visit to this borough.
Mr. Cummings, of Mountandon. Pa., visited his daughter, Mrs. Frank Irwin, last week.
George Finch, who has suffered from a wound In the knee, had the leg amputated last week In New York.
Miss Anna Ramsay, of West Philadelphia. will spend the remainder of the summer with her sister, Mrs. Loughey, here.
Miss Gertrude Perry, of Washington, Is In this borough for an extended visit. J. K. Schultz and family are in Montgomery county, Pa., among relatives.