Wenonah Presbyterian Church with National Register application

Summary Paragraph
Memorial Presbyterian Church, built in 1904, is a late example of the Gothic Revival style, and was designed by Philadelphia architect, Isaac Newton Pursell (1853-1910). Of the three buildings on the property (the church, an adjacent manse at 6 South Princeton Avenue, and a 1960 Education Building addition on East Mantua Avenue), only the church is included in this nomination. The church features a massive bell tower and the church is a prominent aspect of the local skyline as people enter the Borough of Wenonah from the main intersection at the Woodbury-Glassboro Road and Mantua Avenue. According to the Woodbury Daily Times on April 6, 1904,
"The church building is one of the handsomest in South Jersey as well as one of the most complete in its appointments, as nothing has been left undone to add to the comfort and convenience of the congregation." The long side of the building extends east-west, and contains the sanctuary on the east end and a "Friendship Room" to the west (see Site Plan). A chapel extends north from the Friendship Room, and terminates in an apse that pushes the exterior wall further toward the street and helps balance the effect of the stair tower at the opposite corner.
View or download National Register of Historic Places Application. Depending on your connection speed this may be a long download as the file runs 61 pages including narrative, plans, maps, and photographs.
This file linked above is also available through the National Register of Historic Places at the link below. During the summer of 2014 they were having problems with their database and this link may change as they make adjustments, but the link above should be stable.
There's another file showing a January, 1903 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer that mentions that the architect, Mr. Pursell has nearly completed the plans for the church and will be inviting bids for construction soon. This article mentions a slate roof.